Year 9 STEAM work

STEAM is explored throughout out projects at Ernest Bevin College and we have a prime example below.

KS3 Year 9's project was structures:

What structures are around me? What are they made of? Who or what made them?

To gain an appreciation of man-made structures, pupils drew mechanical artefacts from direct observation. The cold, hard, metal objects still have curves and shapes which the boys have captured here. This was primary research.
To further explore manmade mechanisms through drawing, pupils drew from images of engines and machines. This is secondary research.
Students explored the work of the artist Fernand Leger (1881-1955,) throughout this project; his artworks looked at sections of mechanical forms and the patterns and shapes they formed. Students identified elements of mechanisms the recognised, and what it reminded them of.
They then made their own rendition of the work to further explore Leger's process. This helps develop skills in scale, proportion, and observation.

They also explored mechanical instructive drawings. We often see these diagrams showing the assembly of our household items. Looking at them from an artistic point of view helps us see them in a new way.

With their developed understanding of the subject matter, students produced their own drawings in an abstract colourful way, including elements of mechanisms that they had previously explored. Using black paper adds another interesting dimension to the work.
Pupils also explored Leger's work through the use of bold colours used considerately and sensitively to mimic the work by the artist.



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