Art G and T Enrichment Activity 2014

As part of the art enrichment week we have chosen 15 students from across Key Stage 3 to take part in a large scale project the results of which will decorate an outside wall around the school. The Pieces are based around the work of the artist Michael Craig Martin who came and gave a talk to students at the college last Autumn term.

Students hard at work on their pieces. They worked in groups to produce three different pieces.

The students taking part were.

Year 7
Hisham Omer SKO
Sion Hall-Irvine MMS
Matteo Williams SKO
Yasser Anwar YC
Year 8
Joshua Lamb-Oakley GCL
Sharwin Gordan GCL
Fernando Fernandes Jorge MJH
Maliq Robinson TP
Year 9
Farhan Mamood ECB
Arnold   AXP
M Repko   JB
Itseyn Thomas MB
Umer Zubair  ECB
Marley Wedderburn ECB

Cuan  AXP


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